Tuesday 16 October 2012

Review: Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment

After years of subjecting my hair to abuse of the bleaching, dying and frazzling kind I was left with unconditioned, dry and brittle hair. My worst nightmare. And as if that wasn't enough, my hair was so dead at the ends that I was advised I didn't have much choice but to have it all cut off. I took the plunge and had it chopped into a bob that sat at the top of my neck. I HATED it, and I've worn extensions ever since. I began to get tired of the rigmarole of putting my extensions in every morning and taking them out every night so decided I wanted to give my hair the chance to grow by itself.

This meant I had to stop dying it, and start looking after it properly. I went through a stage of having bright red hair, then black hair, then bright red hair, then black hair (you get the picture). It was a very vicious cycle, and my poor hair had to bare the brunt! 

I've had my hair black since July now (anyone who knows me knows that's an achievement) and I've used Aussie's Take The Heat shampoo and deep conditioning treatment for a while and it leaves my hair feeling soft and silky. But it still REFUSED to grow! I had an abundance of dead ends but didn't want to have my hair cut so I decided I'd try find something to sort these out, this was when I discovered the miracle that is Organix Moroccan Argan Oil, so my hair was soft and my split ends were treated BUT it still wasn't growing.

A few weeks back I discovered Lee Stafford's Treatment "for hair that never grows past a certain length", sounds perfect, doesn't it? It  looks pretty and smells pretty but I wasn't expecting miracles

The product has a consistency like conditioner and is designed for use between shampooing and conditioning and it advised to be left for five minutes. I've been using this for a month now and my hair feels healthier, softer and longer (YAY). The product obviously doesn't make your hair grow over night, but it does condition your hair to the point where growth is now possible. I'm in love. 

Overall rating 4/5. 

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