Saturday 6 October 2012

"all glory comes from daring to begin"

My name is Jayde and I am 19 years of age, and currently absolutely dreading no longer being a teenager. I'm from West Yorkshire, but I study in Preston at the University of Central Lancashire. I'm obsessed with music, and I spend half of my life stalking Josh Franceschi.

I'm currently in the second year of studying for a degree in English Language and Journalism and as writing has always been a passion of mine, I've been wanting to start a blog for absolutely ages but I've never got round to it because I've never had the time to sit here and learn how to use this website. But after playing around for a while and some help from Nafisah, here I am!

Squareballoons will be an insight into my life and the things I find interesting.One day, when I'm clever enough to figure out how to do it, I might also have a decent layout.

But for now, hello :)

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