Saturday 2 February 2013

Instagram update #2

Spent the weekend with my best friend, she liked the floor | Christmas decorations in our uni house | The day I sat in the House of Commons for the 4th time | London is definitely my favourite city | My favourite ginge and I | Finished my hardest assignment to date (and got a 2.1 for it yay) | Alice's birthday cake that I made all by myself! | The lads made a christmas tree out of Frosty Jack's bottles | Celebrating the end of year 2, semester 1 | Home sweet home | Missing my tan | Francesca Pina bracelet | My favourite boy | Me and my best friend have matching charms | It's not Christmas Day until Charades comes out | Ring of fire never ends well | My desk is always covered in make up instead of textbooks | Ootd featuring Olivia the Owl | Nicest weekend | I always straighten my hair and then instantly regret it.
 photo coffeeeee_zps904cb992.jpg

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