Wednesday, 6 February 2013

50 facts about me tag

I don't know if any of you are going to enjoy this but I love reading this tag (maybe cos I'm super nosey) so wanted to do it myself. Thinking of fifty things about yourself it a lot harder than it sounds!

  1. I was born on Friday 13th August 1993, making me 19 and apparently quite unlucky
  2. I prefer my middle name over my first name
  3. I believe I was born in the shittest town in this entire country
  4. I am obsessed with pink milk
  5. Excluding a week or two, I have slept with my Simba teddy every night since I was born
  6. I still suck my thumb
  7. I can whistle with my mouth shut, it amuses me for hours
  8. I couldn't swim until I was 18, I learned in Zante 
  9. I adore my big brother more than I'd ever tell him
  10. My best friend is probably my favourite person in the world. She saved my life once, literally!
  11. My dad raised me single handedly from me being 18 months old, he's my hero
  12. Meeting Josh Franceschi is my favourite memory of all time
  13. Frankie Cocozza kissed me (and I am far more proud of that than I should be)
  14. My 12 year old sister is taller than me
  15. The woman I call 'mum' didn't give birth to me but she means more to me than any other woman ever could
  16. I'm in my second year of studying for a degree in English Language and Journalism
  17. I wanted to be a journalist from the age of 13, that quickly changed when I started my degree
  18. I live with four of the most amazing girls I've ever met
  19. I'm more intelligent than I come across
  20. I have the strangest obsession with the Speaker of the House of Commons (some might say it's a crush)
  21. I've never met one of my brothers
  22. I have 10 piercings
  23. and 4 tattoos
  24. Mashed potato is definitely one of my favourite things about life
  25. I'm part Asian, part Irish
  26. I am the clumsiest person I know, I literally have zero common sense
  27. I have 13 GCSEs and four A Levels
  28. Most of the things I know are completely useless facts about nothing
  29. I haven't changed the colour of my hair since June 2012, those who know me know how much of an achievement that is
  30. I've cried every single time I've heard You Me At Six play 'Fireworks' live
  31. I am an English Language geek, everything about it excites me
  32. I'd eat crunchy peanut butter all day, everyday if I could
  33. I was involved with the UK Youth Parliament for 5 years and it's one of the best things I ever did
  34. I've spent far too much money on the contents of my make up bag 
  35. A person's eyebrows are the first thing I notice about them
  36. I leave everything to the last minute
  37. I don't know who it was who decided that I had to become a 'grown up' but I don't like them
  38. Matilda is my favourite ever film but everyone refuses to watch it with me because I know it word for word and recite it without realising
  39. Turtles are my favourite animal
  40. I got my nose pierced when I was 12 (good effort dad)
  41. I got my first tattoo when I was 17 (even better effort dad)
  42. I refer to myself in third person far too much for it to be acceptable
  43. The day I left High School was the best day of my life
  44. To this day, I can't sleep without my snuggle; which is an old West Ham shirt of my dad's that I stole when I was three
  45. I name everything I own, my iPhone is called Lola
  46. I have City and Colour lyrics tattooed on my foot
  47. The Dykeenies have been my favourite band since I was 14, I met them 4 times and cried every single one
  48. There are only two people in the entire world who know absolutely everything about me: myself and my best friend
  49. The amount I like someone depends on their accent
  50. It took me longer to write this post than any other I've ever written

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1 comment:

  1. My 6 years younger sister is also taller than me, so everyone things she's older as well! So annoying.
