I haven't posted anything on this little beauty for NINE months. I know. I know. Terrible behaviour. I guess I lost myself in all things uni work related and kind of forgot that Cold Coffee existed. It wasn't until last week when I was in a journalism seminar and we had to create a blog for our assignments that I thought "I used to have a blog", so a couple of clicks through the blogosphere and here I am typing away. I really didn't realise how much I loved blogging until I'd stopped doing it (yawn cliché).
I'm a third year now and I graduate in 33 weeks (f@&!) so I'm not going to make any promises about how often I'm going to post or even what I'm going to post about so we'll see, but I've been bed bound for the past couple of days as I'm so ill and they do say there's no time like the present. So, here we are.
Cold Coffee is once more.
(P.s. there have been a few people who have asked me why my blog is called Cold Coffee and I really wanted there to be some profound reasoning but sadly not. I spent so long trying to think of a blog name that my coffee went cold and well, that is that)
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