Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist Review

Vitamin E Face Mist, £8 - Everyone looks for ways to make their make up stay on longer, right? And I know that I for one am guilty of giving my face a quick spray of hairspray before leaving the house, but I know that stuff isn't any good for my hair, so why would it be good for my face?!

Body Shop's Vitamin E face mist comes in a 100ml spray bottle and has a fresh rosewater scent. The idea behind it is to spritz your face with it after you've finished your make up and it acts as a setter, or you can use it to refresh your face throughout the day.

The first time I used it, I noticed how how wet it makes the skin and instantly thought "what have I done, my make up is probably running straight off", but it dries instantly and doesn't move make up at all whilst it is wet.

I got this for Christmas and I've used it non-stop since, I adore it. Not only does it keep make up on during the day but I've used it before a night out and come home at 4am, after hours of dancing with a full face of make up still in tact. Because of the moisture it provides to the face, it keeps the skin healthy too, bonus!

Overall rating: 5/5

*pictures in this post are not my own and were sourced from Google*

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