Monday, 26 November 2012

V05 Instant Oomph Powder Review

V05 Give Me Texture Instant Oomph Powder 
"They say good things come in small packages... This tiny pot of powder gives BIG results!"

No one in the entire world likes flat hair and since big hair has been on trend for what feels like decades, everyone is always looking for that magic fix which will give your hair that little boost within seconds. Well, stop searching girls, I've found it! 

I know hair volumising powders aren't a 'new thing' and I've previously used Label M Resurrection Style Dust which has the same effects but is almost double the price!

V05 'Give Me Texture Instant Oomph Powder' comes in a pretty pink bottle and is so easy to apply. The only way I can describe the texture is by saying it's a little bit like salt crystals. You literally give the bottle a bit of a shake and then dazzle some of it directly on to your roots, give your hair a little rub et voila, you have almost effortless volumised hair!

The only criticism I have of this product is that it does leave hair feeling a little bit greasy and your roots don't feel as soft as the rest of your hair does but it's so much better for your hair than dragging a comb through it backwards all day. A little bit of hairspray applied directly to the roots after this and it stays for hours.

Instant Oomph Powder can be purchased at Boots and retails at £4.07 (I never understand how they work out these precise prices but whatever, haha).

Overall rating: 4/5

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