Sunday, 11 November 2012

instagram update #1

drunken selfies with bambino | I climbed out of a window | missing my red hair | realising how much work my portfolio is going to be this year | moved my bed in my uni house so I can sleep by the wall | made the nicest cake in the WORLD | FaceTime'd my dad but apparently neither of us wanted to look at each other | I got a parcel from home | started watching friends from the very beginning | promoting the new vintage shop in town | halloween nails | securing my place as favourite child by insulting my dad on his birthday | halloween selfie | corpse brides, halloween with my girls | reliving my childhood | rediscovered my 'wreck this journal' and spent an entire train journey destroying it | went home for the weekend and watched fireworks with my best friend | went to london, fave place | grumpy looking selfie | best sugar pot. 

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